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Protecting Our Ecosystem Since 2007

At GeoEnvironmental, we define environmental protection with science-backed solutions. We work tirelessly to develop and enhance innovative products that prevent contamination caused by migrating soil particulates created by rainwater or wind events. As leaders in preventive solutions in soil stabilization, we proudly hold an exclusive distributorship of best-in-class soil stabilizers and dewatering agents. With a team of skilled and experienced erosion, dust and storm water control specialists, GeoEnvironmental is your trusted partner for site revegetation and soil stabilization. Join us in preserving our planet – contact us today, and let's build a sustainable future together.

Clean water after Floc Blocs were used
Prevents Contamination of Our Soil & Water

GeoEnvironmental is dedicated to protecting the environment with continuous scientific upgrades of proven, earth-sensitive, soil erosion and stormwater management products for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications. We are a leading provider of preventive solutions for erosion, sediment, and dust control.


Through the exclusive distributorship of an award-winning product mix and a professional staff of certified erosion control specialists, GeoEnvironmental is an industry leader in site revegetation and soil stabilization techniques.

Our Environmental Solutions
Floc Bloc to settle out dirty water
Stormwater Management
Floc Bloc | EarthStop 500

GeoEnvironmental provides stormwater regulatory compliance products to land developers, commercial and residential builders, and municipal utility districts.

GeoMatrixSS   Stage 1  (Slope Stabilization System)
Erosion Control
GeoMatrix SS | EarthStop 200

GeoEnvironmental utilizes “Green Stabilization Techniques” to create cost-effective and earth-friendly erosion control solutions.

GeoEarth   Biotic Soil Media
Soil Building

GeoEnvironmental provides a safe treatment, proven to rebuild soil to its purest form to allow plants to grow.

Arena Rx Dust Control
Dust Control
Soil-Sement | EnviroKleen | EK-35
Arena Rx | EarthStop 200

At GeoEnvironmental, we pride ourselves on being experts in the applications of hydraulic dust control agents for leading manufacturers.

Benefits of Working with GeoEnvironmental

Most knowledgeable product advisors in the field of soils & vegetation establishment.


Absolutely the best products available through years of extensive field research.

Soil Specific

All Geo Environmental products are soil specific to their environment, which provides intimate adaptation to each site.


Soil Lab Technicians are available to provide custom blends that are right for your site at all times.

Featured Products
GeoMatrix SS Slope Stabilization Systems
Floc-Bloc Dewatering Bloc
GeoEarth Biotic Soil Media
EarthStop 200 and 500 Soil Stabilizer

Visit Our Affiliate Website

Learn how GeoEnvironmental products are utilized for commercial and residential purposes. 

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